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 Fish is one of the best known foods in my region, with which you can make different dishes. among these preparations are: Picadillo de paiche: this contains fish called paiche, beans, onion, sweet pepper, this is a dish that can be accompanied by rice, banana or potatoes. Pango de palometa: In a medium saucepan put enough water and accommodate the fish and boil them until the plantains are almost cooked. Fish are made very soon. You have to watch the time to avoid overcooking. It is served with a cocona sauce with charapita chili pepper and coriander. Fish chicarron: they are thick fish bathed in flour with egg, well fried, the result is crispy fish chicharrones, served with patacones and salad.

My Eating Habitos.

 I usually eat light things for breakfast like coffee with toast, sometimes just orange juice, my fried eggs are never lacking with matured and other times I eat the traditional Chapo drink from my city. lunches are always varied, the only thing that never changes is the chicken as the central prey of the meal, I usually eat arroz chaufa, lomo saltado, fried chicken, chicken soup, escabeche, or aguadito. At dinner, I usually buy street food, be it a juane, grilled chicken, broaster chicken, or just cold egg with ripe, and something hot drink those are my eating habits.


  It is a very cozy restaurant, it is located in Iquitos, on Nauta street, it is a creperia and apart from crepes they sell many more foods, one of the things that I like the most apart from their food is the warmth that you feel being there, It has a youthful, modern atmosphere with very happy colors, with pleasant music in a perfect volume, a good place to interact with your friends, family or loved ones. my favorite food is the chicken thighs and the crispy potatoes that they serve there The first time I visited it I went with a special person, since then I have caught his menu and his local warmth, now I go whenever I can and I want to eat and have a pleasant moment. MY ADVERTISING ESPOT LU-LUNCH RESTAURANT


 Hi!!, thanks for visiting my blog .😊 In this first entry I invite you to know a little about my activities, this time I will tell you about me and my family. Then I invite you to know how to continue knowing me and explain about my friends, routine, tastes, favorite sport, among others, thank you for being here.